Robert Hean Robert Hean

Using Confluence databases for a FAQ

Databases are a great tool for organizing data… including FAQ.

I frequently find myself using Confluence to track Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). I’ve done this for HR/People teams, Customer Support, Engineering, and many others, and it’s a great use of the platform.

Historically I’ve accomplished this one of two ways:

  1. Parent with Children - Have a parent page called “HR FAQ” and then have a single child for each question and answer. (Check out that approach here)

  2. Headers and sub headers - Have a single page with all the FAQ and use headers (and the Table of Contents macro) to break out questions.

Since the launch of databases, however, I’ve found myself wondering (and have been asked about) how databases could support an FAQ.

What are databases?

Databases are a relatively new feature to Confluence that allow you to build a structured data set into Confluence. On the surface they can look a bit like a table but they go far beyond the humble table and start to overlap (a bit) with the concept of a Jira ticket.

Each column of the table is a piece of data about something. In our FAQ this would be information about the question - its name, an answer (or link to one), the owner, category and more.

Each row is an entry - in our case, a question.

Databases also include some additional features that make them very useful:

Saving filtered views

These are a saved list of all rows that meet some criteria. For our FAQ this could be all IT related questions, or anything unanswered.

Different visualizations

Databases display info in a tabular view by default, but there are other options include cards and a board view. For me the table view works best for a FAQ, but teams may prefer the others as well.


Databases have their own search bar. This allows users to easily search within just that database. This makes it easy for your users to find answers in your FAQ.

Catch up on other basic features in this video:

How do they help build an FAQ?

Databases live in the content tree, making them very simple to insert where people will look for information. They also allow multiple entries, keeping their presence in the content tree limited (if you go with the “one page per question” route you end up with a lot of pages, which can easily turn some teams or groups off from considering it as an option).

Since databases allow for multiple columns you can also include a lot of information about questions. Things like who asked it, what type of question it is, what version it controls, etc. can all be included (This could also replace using page properties if you’re using that to track this type of information). This allows you to build very robust answers, including linking out to reference content and more. You can even pull in excerpts from linked pages, potentially allowing you to include an answer directly in the database automatically.

Anyone with edit access can also add new entries to the database, making it very easy for someone to be able to add questions. Imagine if anyone at your organization could drop in and add a new question which you can easily filter for and assigning to someone to answer.

What are the downsides of using a database for a Confluence FAQ?

There are a few downsides to using a database to host questions and answers:

  1. Jira Knowledge Base - JSM appears to only see Pages as answers to questions. This means if you’ve got a JSM instance linked to Confluence answers in your databases can’t currently be displayed… so if you want to use this to support your help desk you’re a bit out of luck (although you could use this to support agents, or others who leverage Confluence, but they’d have to access it independently of JSM).

  2. Control - Like other forms of content you can place restrictions on the database… However, those restrictions apply to all records. This means you can’t “lock” a single row and prevent anyone but yourself from editing it. This opens up the risk that answers will be changed or added when they shouldn’t be. You can solve this by restricting editing to only a few folks, but then you face a bottle neck around adding new questions.

  3. Confluence search - Individual database entries currently are invisible to general Confluence search. This means someone searching from another piece of content may not be able to find your FAQ.

Final Thoughts

While using a database to host FAQ is a great way to store info it does present it’s limitations. This makes them less-than ideal for some applications, however, for instances where you have an internal team who knows which database to look at these are incredibly powerful. Similarly if you are able to share saved views with internal users you’ll likely get a lot of utility out of them.

More Info

See how to set them up in this hands-on video:

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

Improve your short updates

Sending updates is really easy… but unless you include this simple thing they can cause a lot of headaches!

A large part of my life is spent creating, and sending, updates. Updates on how projects are going. Updates on a bug a customer is experiencing. Updates on how the updates are going… it goes on.

This means I spend a lot of time thinking about how those updates are read, and how they can be more effective. Take this update, for example:

"Rob is working on the Task"

This isn’t a (very) bad update. It does share some important information - namely that Rob is working on the Task. This, by itself, is important to share - after all, many times folks are mostly nervous because they don’t know if someone is working on the Task. When I see someone post an update like this I breathe a sigh of relief as it means they’re at least paying enough attention to provide the basic information about what’s going on.

What’s wrong with that?

Updates like this one, however, drive me nuts. While they do provide a bare-minimum about what’s going on, they also breed anxiety and frustration. They do this because they’re lacking a critical piece of information - when will you share more information?

They don’t answer “When will the Task get done” or “when will I get an update”. This information is arguably more important than “Rob is working on something” as it lets everyone know when they’ll get more information. Updates missing those two pieces of information are dangerous since folks will wonder “When will I get what I need?”.

What’s the fix?

Fortunately the fix is fairly easy… just add a time and date for a follow up. For example, consider:

“Rob is working on the Task - I’ll provide an update tomorrow at noon”.

That extra bit at the end immediately answers the question “When will I get more information”. Note that it doesn’t even require you to add anything about what to expect - just that you’ll post something. At the very least it will stop someone from immediately asking “when will it get done”, but it does far more - it gives the reader peace of mind. They don’t have to worry too much about what’s going on because they know they’ll get something tomorrow at noon.

Of course, this requires you to actually send an update tomorrow at noon! That update, however, doesn’t have to be “and the Task is done” - it could just be a followup letting folks know it’s still outstanding. This does run the risk of a string of “I’ll update you tomorrow” updates, but ideally each one includes a bit more information on where the task is (e.g. what’s the blocker, what other info is there).

The best part of this is that it takes basically zero effort - just add a short bit of text to your updates on when you’ll give more info and you’ll save everyone a lot of frustration!

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Project Management Robert Hean Project Management Robert Hean

When to use Confluence or Jira

Confluence and Jira are complimentary, but different!

Almost every company I’ve worked at has provided access to both Confluence and Jira. These two tools offer a ton of functionality and features that can help make our lives easier, but many times I find myself asking myself “which one should I use?”.

On the surface this should be an easy question - after all Confluence is a knowledge base and Jira is for ticketing. This distinction, however, can easily break down - Confluence supports task tracking and can be used to manage work, and Jira can easily be used to house information about things in the form of task descriptions, fields and more.

So let’s take a deeper look at these two systems, their differences, and why we may choose one of the other in some cases.


Confluence is intended to serve as a collaborative platform for sharing, maintaining and creating information. It excels at allowing individuals to work on content together, manage and store that information and easily add more as it is created or discovered. Personally I find myself using it mainly to keep track of what I’ve been up to in the form of meeting notes, product updates and other notes.

Part of collaborating, however, includes tracking tasks or action items. For example, during a meeting I may record that Bob will update the server on Friday, or that Sally will connect with Procurement about an important contract. To support this, Confluence allows us to track tasks, which can have assignees, descriptions and due dates… which sound awfully similar to a Jira ticket.


Jira is intended to help teams manage work in the form of tickets. Tickets can have different types, for example bug, task, story, etc. Each type of ticket can also follow its own workflow, so tasks can have a different set of steps necessary for completion than bugs. Additionally tickets can have any number of data fields attached to them allowing teams to collect and track many kinds of metrics relative to their work.

Part of managing work, however, includes collecting information about what you’re doing. For example an HR team may build out policies using Jira tickets and include information about them in the description field. An engineering team may collect API documentation on a ticket as well… both of which sound awfully similar to a Confluence page.

How to choose

Given the number of similarities the systems share (tracking an item of work, collecting information, etc) it can sometimes be hard to know which one to use. For example, I could keep Jira open during meetings and add new tickets as action items are identified. I could also open up Confluence any time I learn something new about a task and add it to a page.

My general rule is to use whichever one requires the least amount of work. Typically this results in me using Confluence as it makes managing information easier, and also supports tasks. Only when I get to a point where Confluence tasks don’t support what I need (e.g. adding more information to a task, requiring a workflow or approval, etc) will I switch to Jira.

Fortunately both systems are tightly integrated, allowing Jira tickets to be posted directly on Confluence pages and Confluence pages to be easily linked to Jira tickets. This makes it very easy to span both systems when I need to.

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

Seeing your own improvement

"If you don't look at code you wrote a year ago and think is garbage you aren't getting better"

I heard that from a software engineer and have spent a lot of time thinking about it. At it's core it's reminding us that our skills grow over time, and having something we've done in the past serves as a great baseline to compare our growth to.

I recently reviewed my Knowledge Base Fundamentals course over at Udemy and immediately thought of that quote. To be honest it's incredibly humbling (and a bit painful) to look at older work and compare it to what I'm capable of doing now, if only because I see all the areas I'm now able to do better.

This particular course was created over 2 years ago. I had a fairly good grasp on concepts like editing, lighting, scripting and more... but now that level feels so... basic (and I'd bet I'll say something similar in a year about where I'm at now!).

After taking a look at the course I determined that I could make it a much better experience for students in a number of ways. I realized that my own skills had grown substantially and would allow me to produce a much better course. This was an incredible experience in realizing I've changed in many ways:

Ways I improved #1 - Scripting

Originally the course was entirely "talking head" and scripted entirely in advance. This required a lot of time and energy to create and edit the script, but it did result in me knowing exactly what I'd be saying. Unfortunately this approach also resulted in me getting a bit “stuck” at times as I felt trapped by the script. This led to several, frustrating, instances of having to delete a lot of work and restart as I couldn’t figure out how to work in the newer ideas I had.

My general approach has since changed to instead using slides with bullet points. These guide my discussion, allowing me to explore more areas or go "off script". It also frees me from writers block / having to rewrite a script. I also find forcing myself to distill something into 3-4 bullet points a good exercise in determining what is really important. This helps focus my ideas and helps improve the final product.

Way I improved #2 - Filming

Shooting the scripted content was a pain. Not only was lighting a mess (see the fun shadows in the image below), but I had to juggle a camera and a teleprompter. Making a mistake required me to reset almost everything and rewind so I could re-record that section. The audio setup (a shotgun mic on the camera) also required a lot of work in post to cleanup as it captured a lot of background. It didn’t sound bad… but it didn’t sound good either.

Now I film at my desk with a boom mic (much less background) and a dedicated lighting rig that handles most of the lighting issues. The change in lighting alone makes me much happier - no more random shadows on me, and since I switched to smart bulbs I have much better control over the color temperature (which makes editing a bit easier.

Way I improved #3 - Editing

Editing a talking head can be a pain. Any cut is almost immediately obvious, and I didn't know how to cover those up the first time I shot the course. (Now I know to either zoom in or out slightly, or use b-roll to cover it up...). I also made editing harder on myself when I was shooting by not giving enough time/space between words or sections. This resulted in some very tight cuts that sometimes distorted the message.

Now when I record I know to back up and restart an entire slide, or leave space between them. This makes it a lot easier to edit together and hide any mistakes. I also switched to using Davinci - a free editing tool (that is insanely complex and I only barely scratch the surface of). Davinci gives me a lot more flexibility in what I want to include (no more limits to the number of video tracks!), and has allowed me to create better content in post.

Way I improved #4 On-screen content

When I first filmed the course I was using iMovie (which is great... to a point!). I found it incredibly challenging to add on-screen content, and quickly ran into limitations. I frequently went into Canva to make a single on-screen element, download it, then upload into iMovie. This took a LOT of time (and frustration!). This resulted in a final product that lacked on-screen information. iMovie is also limited in what it can display in terms of text and other images. This made it hard to create something that fit my needs.

Now I just build out a slide deck for a lecture which has all the onscreen content I need and record from that. This greatly reduces the amount of post production work... and saves me a lot of frustration. I can create exactly the image I want, and when I record I don’t have to worry about what I’ll need to add in post.

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

ACA-920 Confluence Essentials Certification

The new Confluence certification is here!

I recently took (and passed) the newest Atlassian Confluence certification, ACA-920 Confluence Essentials. I’ve been using Confluence for almost a decade, but have never made time to take any formal training or certification on it, so when I heard a new one was available I decided to give it a shot.

Who it’s for

Unlike many certifications that are geared towards admins or super-users, this certification is geared towards anyone who uses Confluence. It covers topics around creating and editing content, navigating the system and general knowledge of how Confluence works (and what it’s for).

The certification is valid for 2 years, which seems fair given Confluence is constantly changing. You can also renew it by earning 50 continuing education credits.

How to prepare

Since Team ‘24 (Atlassian’s yearly conference) all training has been free (which I think is great!). They have an entire learning path that will prepare you for the ACA-920. Even if you’re not looking to sit the exam, this is a great resource to get a handle on everything you need to know about Confluence. The learning path is intended for someone who has zero background in Confluence, making it a great place for someone to begin their learning journey.

Other than the learning path the best way to prepare is to just use Confluence. If your organization has one jump in and start using it. If you don’t have access to one you can get a free one (instructions here). If you go the free route, however, you won’t have access to some of the features that will appear on the exam (notably no Atlassian Intelligence, and no Page Restrictions - both important topics!).

About 70% of the exam is focused around creating and maintaining pages, so be sure you spend time practicing creating content and working with others on maintaining it.

There is also an Atlassian-hosted session on the ACA-920 on July 17th where someone from Atlassian will go over the certification.

What’s on it?

The exam has 25 questions and you get 60 minutes to answer them all (more than 2 minutes per question!). I assume the questions rotate, but they are broken down into the following areas (full details here):

  1. Intro to Confluence terms and navigation ~ 12%

  2. Creating pages and basic editing ~ 35%

  3. Advanced editing ~ 15%

  4. Working with pages ~ 35%

  5. Advanced features ~ 8%

Since 70% of the exam is taken up by creating, editing and working with pages make sure you spend a lot of time doing those tasks. Many of the questions related to it were easy to answer since it’s something I’ve been doing on an (almost) daily basis for years. Understanding the layout of toolbars and menu bars is another important area to learn (Honestly this was a bit more challenging for me since I tend to ignore a lot of the options).

The questions are all multiple choice, and fortunately many of the options could easily be ruled out as being the correct answer, so if you don’t immediately know the answer take time to exclude ones you know are wrong.

Tips on getting it done

If you’ve ever taken a certification before the same tips apply here:

  1. Take time to read and understand the question - I sometimes miss questions because I don’t read the whole thing or really understand it… don’t be like me! You’ve got 60 minutes (over 2 minutes per question), so take time to make sure you understand it.. And if you don’t see tip #2

  2. Don’t be afraid to flag a question and come back later - Reading it, then coming back later to read it again can help jog your memory. I do this A LOT when I’m not 100% certain of an answer.

  3. Eliminate incorrect answers - If you can’t find the correct answer, begin to eliminate incorrect ones. At the very least this improves your odds if you have to guess, but many times most of the answers will be obviously wrong.

My thoughts

Atlassian claims that this certification is for anyone who uses Confluence, and they’re not wrong. It does require folks to understand the basics of using Confluence, which does impact anyone in an organization. Selfishly I’d love for more folks to understand these background concepts and ideas as it would make for a better system overall (and less headaches for me!). That said, I can’t really tell why someone would want to pursue it other than just wanting to earn it (like me). 

Other Atlassian certifications, like their Professional series, are clearly targeted toward admins, a group that does need to prove their skills. This certification, however, isn’t one I can easily see an employer needing someone to have as a job requisite. We do see Confluence listed on job reqs, but using it is never a core part of a job.

So if you’re looking to add something else to your resume and are excited about it - go for it. Otherwise, you will get almost as much out of the free training and invest the $100 elsewhere.

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

Confluence Content Manager

The Content Manager is a great way to quickly archive, manage and arrange your content.

The Challenge

A big part of managing a confluence space (or any type of knowledge base) is keeping an eye on how fresh information is. Over time content builds up - which is great since you may need it in the future… unfortunately it’s also a challenge as much of that content may not be immediately useful as time goes on. Old versions of policies, information related to completed projects and even old product updates all fall into this category. They’re all very useful when they’re first created and shared, and then lose their usefulness as time goes on. 

It can be challenging to figure out what content falls into that category. The best way I’ve discovered is to open up the page analytics for any given page and see when it was last viewed. This, however, doesn’t work on a bigger scale as you have to repeat it for every page you want to examine. Another method I’d used is to just look at my content every 6 months and archive anything older than a year old and then hope no one needed it. This is dangerous as I’m likely to archive something that folks actually use or need (not the end of the world, but annoying to fix and disruptive to work).

The Solution

A recent feature update called Content Manager (for premium and enterprise customers), however, is making managing content a lot easier. It provides a single place to go to to see everything in the space, including when it was last viewed and how many times it’s been accessed in the past year. This alone makes it valuable as you can see everything in a space all at once (instead of going through page by page). Even better, you can perform bulk archiving or deleting on as many pages as you like, giving you the ability to update entire sections of your space at the same time.

I’ve been having a lot of success using this on a regular basis (currently monthly) to see what content is actually being used, and then taking action to update, or archive, older things. This process used to take a very long time since I had to look at individual pages, so having something like the content manager is a huge time saver.

Where to find it

The content manager is available to premium and enterprise customers and shows up both under space settings and in the sidebar. 

What can you do with it

The content manager shows you your space’s structure, including all parent/child relationships. Any content, including whiteboards and databases appear in it, giving you a complete picture of what’s in the space. 

You can select multiple pieces of content by checking the box next to them, or use the more actions menu to action on a specific piece of content.  Selecting a parent will select all of it’s children making it very easy to act on entire branches at a time.

Most importantly it shows you when it was last updated, last viewed and total views over a year. This makes it incredibly easy to identify content that is stale, and either a good candidate for being updated.

There are also two filters currently available to speed you up even more:

  1. Inactive pages - any page that hasn’t been visited, commented on or updated (you can select the time period). This makes it incredibly easy to find stale content and take action.

  2. Pages without active owners - Any page where the page owner’s account is inactive (e.g. left the organization). Since the page owner is typically who folks go to asking for updates or with questions, being able to easily get a list of all the pages missing active owners is a great tool.

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

Confluence Headers

Headers are a simple, easy way to make pages waaaay more useful.

Creating good content for a knowledge base or similar system is challenging. You have to determine what your audience needs, find experts who know those topics and ensure content is regularly maintained. There is, however, a very simple thing that can be done to improve almost every page in Confluence (and in many other similar systems) - use headers.

Headers are essentially just bigger text on a page, but despite their seemingly simple design they serve a number of important functions in Confluence.

Visually breaking up space

Before you keep reading, scroll to the bottom of this post, I’ve copied all the content, but left out the headers…. It’s a bit hard to read, no?

The first, and arguable most important feature, or a header is to visually break up space on a page. I’ve lost track of the number of times I find really good content, but find it hard to read because it’s all just one gigantic wall of text. Paragraphs can (and do!) help with this, however, when all the text is the same size it makes it very hard to browse and find information.

To get around missing headers I frequently find myself using a find command (CMD+F) to locate specific words or phrases. This can help, however, sometimes I have to guess at the keyword or topic I”m looking for - and it’s not always there.

This is where headers are useful. They give the writer a way to clearly signal where specific content lives on a page, or, if they use multiple sizes of headers, how various pieces of content could relate to others. They’re a bit similar to Confluence’s page tree - they let creators structure pieces of your content, both for themselves as a creator, but also for folks consuming that content.

As the example below shows, without headers pages quickly turn into word soup.

Anchors (links)

Another important feature of headers - and one that more people need to know about - is their ability to act as “Anchors”. Anchors are just another way of saying “hyperlinkable text”, and while you can add an anchor anywhere on a page you like (and link to it), headers are, by default, anchors themselves.

This means every header on your page has its own unique hyperlink. While it’s not immediately obvious, this means that you can link anyone directly to a specific header on a page. This greatly reduces the need for someone to scroll or CMD+F for content since you can send them directly to what they need instead of the top of the page.

Personally I find myself using this feature quite a bit - especially if I’m using Confluence to host a FAQ (I tend to make each question its own size 5 header, this makes it look like regular text, but function as an anchor). It’s also a great trick for bigger pages, or for ones with lots of headers.

Macros (Specifically Table of Contents)

The third major reason I like headers is because they interact with various macros - specifically “Table of Contents”. This macros automagically created a hyperlinked, nested, table of contents wherever you want. The macro uses the header size to build a nested list of headers, and does it in real-time as you’re editing so you can easily see what it looks like.

It also has some options that allow you to specify which levels of header should be used - for example you could exclude header level 1 if you wanted, which would allow you to use that for things like “background” or “table of contents”, while leaving the table of contents a bit more organized.

While you can get the same effect by manually typing out a table of contents and linking things, this is incredibly time-consuming and requires you to go and change it as the page is updated. I’ve been including this in all of my templates (and most of my pages!) as it helps with navigation (even with shorter pages). Setting the expectation that it will be at the top also helps my team more easily use content as they’ll know there’s always links to follow.

The Wrap Up

Headers are a great, simple, way to greatly improve the look, usefulness and ability of your pages. At the very least they’ll help you break up your content so it’s easier for readers to digest it, but they also offer some great additional features.  Even better, they’re incredibly simple and easy to add!

Same text - without headers

Creating good content for a knowledge base or similar system is challenging. You have to determine what your audience needs, find experts who know those topics and ensure content is regularly maintained. There is, however, a very simple thing that can be done to improve almost every page in Confluence (and in many other similar systems) - use headers.

Headers are essentially just bigger text on a page, but despite their seemingly simple design they serve a number of important functions in Confluence.

Before you keep reading, scroll to the bottom of this post, I’ve copied all the content, but left out the headers…. It’s a bit hard to read, no?

The first, and arguable most important feature, or a header is to visually break up space on a page. I’ve lost track of the number of times I find really good content, but find it hard to read because it’s all just one gigantic wall of text. Paragraphs can (and do!) help with this, however, when all the text is the same size it makes it very hard to browse and find information.

To get around missing headers I frequently find myself using a find command (CMD+F) to locate specific words or phrases. This can help, however, sometimes I have to guess at the keyword or topic I”m looking for - and it’s not always there.

This is where headers are useful. They give the writer a way to clearly signal where specific content lives on a page, or, if they use multiple sizes of headers, how various pieces of content could relate to others. They’re a bit similar to Confluence’s page tree - they let creators structure pieces of your content, both for themselves as a creator, but also for folks consuming that content.

As the example below shows, without headers pages quickly turn into word soup.

Another important feature of headers - and one that more people need to know about - is their ability to act as “Anchors”. Anchors are just another way of saying “hyperlinkable text”, and while you can add an anchor anywhere on a page you like (and link to it), headers are, by default, anchors themselves.

This means every header on your page has its own unique hyperlink. While it’s not immediately obvious, this means that you can link anyone directly to a specific header on a page. This greatly reduces the need for someone to scroll or CMD+F for content since you can send them directly to what they need instead of the top of the page.

Personally I find myself using this feature quite a bit - especially if I’m using Confluence to host a FAQ (I tend to make each question its own size 5 header, this makes it look like regular text, but function as an anchor). It’s also a great trick for bigger pages, or for ones with lots of headers.

The third major reason I like headers is because they interact with various macros - specifically “Table of Contents”. This macros automagically created a hyperlinked, nested, table of contents wherever you want. The macro uses the header size to build a nested list of headers, and does it in real-time as you’re editing so you can easily see what it looks like.

It also has some options that allow you to specify which levels of header should be used - for example you could exclude header level 1 if you wanted, which would allow you to use that for things like “background” or “table of contents”, while leaving the table of contents a bit more organized.

While you can get the same effect by manually typing out a table of contents and linking things, this is incredibly time-consuming and requires you to go and change it as the page is updated. I’ve been including this in all of my templates (and most of my pages!) as it helps with navigation (even with shorter pages). Setting the expectation that it will be at the top also helps my team more easily use content as they’ll know there’s always links to follow.

Headers are a great, simple, way to greatly improve the look, usefulness and ability of your pages. At the very least they’ll help you break up your content so it’s easier for readers to digest it, but they also offer some great additional features.  Even better, they’re incredibly simple and easy to add!

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

The burden of being a system administrator

Being a sys admin is important - but also it’s a position of trust

I became a system admin early in my career during a large system install.  It was great! I got all kinds of new permissions, could do (almost) anything and it felt great.

What I didn't realize is that being a sys admin is more than getting extra permissions or access to new areas. Sure that's part of it's but being made a sys admin for any system is massive responsibility, and one that needs to be taken seriously.

This is doubly true if the system you administer handles any kind of sensitive data.. things like personally identifiable info, compensation data and the like. This information be carefully guarded and managed as it cause cause massive headaches if it gets out. 

Even if you aren't the sys admin for a sensitive system, however, you still take on a lot of responsibilities. 

Appropriate access

You will likely need to manage access to your system. This could involve adding new users changing existing access or revoking it as needed. You shouldn't also be the person who can approve access, so you'll need to follow a process and work with your approvers.

You should be very proactive with this part of being an admin. After all, you're being trusted to ensure only folks who should have access have it.  This means you should be doing things like :

  • Regular audits - review who has what type of access reapproved on a regular basis (quarertly, half-year).

  • Taking prompt action - This is especially true when a request to revoke access comes in. Make sure the person requesting it is authorized (e.g. a system owner, HR rep, legal etc), and then don't wait.  'This, however, also applies to other requests. Quick action both helps ensure the system is managed properly and helps build your credibility. 

  • Be proactive - Be on the lookout for things that seem out of place, updates that are needed, 


Since you have a ton of additional system access (frequently including the ability to see access log, or even log in as someone else) you will find yourself frequently having to troubleshoot issues. You also likely have a much deeper set of exoerienxes with ehateber system you're the admin for - both as a result of being and admin, but also because you interact with a wide range of system users.

This puts you in a strong position to help others learn to use the system or overcome challenges they find in it. These could be small questions, to massive disruptions. Regardless of the size, however, it is your job is to help solve it.

This could mean building documentation that folks can refer to, running training sessions, recording demonstrations and more. While each of these on their own may be a small thing, they add up over time, and help others more effective use the system. 

Best practices

Typically being a sys admin goes beyond just pushing buttons to do things and moves into providing guidance and ideas on best practice. What is the best way to use the tool? What should it not be used for? What should we do now so we can do X in the future?

This area goes beyond technical knowledge of the system and gets into how the tool can be used. As an admin you likely are exposed to more ways a system can be utilized - this gives you a good perspective on how your team should use it. 

Advising on best practices shows up in two main places - during planning and on an ongoing basis.  Both involve you offering your expertise and knowledge, and both will require you to partner with whomever is looking to modify or use the system. 

Wrap up

Being a sys admin can be a very fulfilling job. You'll learn a ton about the tech, and about the busiess. And even better, you'll help others do better at their jobs by removing friction and helping knock down blockers.

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

Atlassian Rovo

Rovo is a tool to help make sense of our data

A lot of the announcements at Team24 revolved around AI and how it will be integrated with all of Atlassian’s various tools. One big announcement, however, was about a specific AI feature called Rovo.

Rovo helps teams out by performing in three areas - search, learn and act.

Rovo Search

Companies have data, lots of data… how much data, you ask? Well, on average it’s something something like 2 billion data points spread across 200 systems.  There is absolutely no way any sane person could make sense of that. Personally I have enough challenges keeping track of the information in the few systems I happen to use regularly that I don’t even consider how it can be combined or used with data from other places. 

So we are forced to use tools.  Unfortunately many of those tools only see a small portion of that data, making them useful only in specific instances.  If I’m very lucky I’ll have an analyst or someone else who is familiar with other data sets that can help me make sense of everything - but that’s uncommon. Even when I do have an analyst who can help me out, we’re still frequently unable to pull everything together - either due to technical limitations (a specific data set isn’t available to us) or due to access or other considerations.

Rovo however, overcomes these challenges. It natively plugs into every Atlassian product, and knows how to interpret that information. This alone is a massive advantage over a human… many times I have to teach someone what data is available, what it means, etc… whereas Rovo knows all of that out of the box.

Even better, Rovo can be connected to non-Atlassian systems to gather information. Sure, this takes a bit of setup, but once it’s done, Rovo is able to analyst and add that data to what it already knows. While a human can certainly do this it takes time to learn the data sets (just like someone unfamiliar with how a Jira ticket is structured has to learn it), which slows down the process and opens it up to risk.

There is one big question that needs to be answered… Security. In order for Rovo to be tied into various systems, it inherently must have access to them. This means if I use Rovo to help me, it’s possible I’ll be exposed to data I don’t have access to… or does it?

It does not! Rovo is designed to respect the permission schemes of the source systems - so if I can’t access it with my credentials, Rovo won’t show it to me (even if Rovo can see it).

Rovo Learn

Data is great - it helps us make decisions, discover new things and make progress. Raw information, however, is generally useless without some type of analysis or organization. For example if you see a project name in a Confluence page it doesn’t really help you if I show you every page that mentions it. Humans are pretty good at finding patterns, discerning meaning and understanding what's going on, however, with the massive amounts of data flying around this is limited.

We are, after all, limited in the amount of information we can keep in our head. (I can barely remember where I leave my keys some days…) Systems like Rovo don’t have this limitation. (Sure there are technical limitations on it, but for the purposes of this discussion they’re effectively meaningless compared to the limitations a single human runs into). Rovo uses this capacity to help humans make sense of all that data.

For example, Rovo can assemble knowledge into “knowledge cards” that display information about a project including team members, milestones, metrics and more. This instantly allows a human to understand more about a project or team - and doesn’t require that human to pull apart multiple Confluence pages or other sources to learn that. Rovo does this by having access to all that underlying data, and is able to pull together contextual information from multiple places. 

Rovo can also define terms and acronyms. Personally I’m a huge fan of guess what TLA (Three Letter Acronyms) mean, but not know, or not being able to easily figure them out, can be incredibly frustrating to folks joining a team. Rovo is able to do this across Atlassian, and non-Atlassian, systems. So not only will it define terms you see on a Jira ticket, but also in a Google Doc, or Outlook Email. Imagine how much less frustration folks would have with this type of information easily accessible.

And last but not least, Rovo supports natural language chat. This can either be done from the get-go, or as followup questions about anything it serves up. For me this is a massive plus as it allows users to gain trust in the system by asking clarifying questions. Rovo will even show where it found its information, giving users more confidence that the system is giving them positive information and not hallucinating or giving incorrect info.

Rovo act

Being able to parse through data and determine context, meaning and other things is a great ability of Rovo… however, it does take it one step further and helps users take various actions based on the data it see. Rovo has the concept of “agents” - essentially virtual team members - who can be designed to perform specific tasks.

Agents can be shaped to assist humans in a variety of ways.Imagine waking up and seeing a list of suggestions for how to prioritize your backlog, based on information Rovo knows about the project, its status, and team members. Or what if you needed to draft a marketing document, just ask a Rovo Agent - which has been developed and trained by your own marketing team on your company’s assets and tone - to help.

These Agents appear in the same places human team members appear, making them feel like a team member. To me this blurs the line between “tool” and “team member”, but not necessarily in a bad way. After all, learning how to use a tool can take time and can be frustrating, but if I treat that tool like a virtual team member, it cuts out a lot of the learning curve and friction.

Rovo Agents can be built from raw code, allowing developers a great deal of flexibility in defining what they do, how they behave and what access they have. They can, however, also be developed via no-code options. This allows less technically-inclined teams to develop and share agents with other teams - further enhancing their impact and reducing friction.

My take

We're only getting more systems and more data, so having a tool that is plugged into as much of it as possible and can help us make sense of it all is an obvious next step. This is double true when considering the amount of manual effort it would take to approximate this capability.

I can, however, see challenges in gaining adoption. For example groups may question how secure it is, or wonder how they know they can trust the tools output. After all, many LLM’s and AI operate in a bit of a black box, which can make it hard for humans to trust them (especially if they are used to being able to ask an analyst or other expert how they got to their conclusion.

These concerns, however, aren’t a reason to not develop or use this tech… it is, though, a reminder to be careful in how these tools are introduced to organizations and how they are managed. For example, instead of a “big bang” rollout begin small and find a group that's excited about it and develop targeted use cases. Work with them to determine other use cases, potential issues and other areas to expand into. Then let that group tell others about how useful it can be.

Overall I'm excited for tools like Rovo to come out, they’ll help free us up to do other more interesting things than fight with data. They’ll not only reduce the monotony that exists when wrangling large amounts of data, but also open new areas of inquiry and illuminate areas that otherwise would have been hidden. I can also easily see this tech help smaller teams have an outside impact by allowing them to extend into other areas.

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

Team 24 Confluence Updates

Lots of updates at Team24 for Confluence - see them here!

I’ve been over at Atlassian’s Team24 event (their yearly conference) and there are loads of interesting changes coming to their various products.  There’s so many I’m going to focus posts on each system - starting with Confluence!


AI sorting

Using whiteboards for ideation is a very common use case… I find, however, that the board easily gets full with sticky notes and other information. Sure, I can manually go through and sort them… but soon AI will sort them by category for us.

I can easily see how this will help teams gather their ideas, but more importantly organize and action them. It will also help reduce the time it takes for a team to go from “we’ve got an idea” to “what do we do”. Shortening this gap is important as the bigger it is, the more energy and excitement the team loses. 


Folks will be able to vote directly on the whiteboard for their ideas. This looks similar to voting on a Jira issue - just click the thumbs up icon to vote on the sticky. Personally I haven’t used the voting features too much in Jira, but I’ve spoken to folks who find it very helpful in getting feedback from bigger groups.

This seems to be another great way to reduce the distance between “we’ve got an idea” and “what should be do”. Having it right in the whiteboard is also great, since folks won’t have to remember to look it up later and target what they wanted to do.


Pages can be built into databases

Personally I haven’t used databases very much as they’re a bit new, and missing some features I need… however, they now support the ability to build pages directly from a Database. This makes it easy to keep building out confluence and provides two-way linking between that page and the database.

This will speed up my process as I won’t have to go create a page, copy the link and come back any more… I can just create it from the database, use a template if I like and keep going. This will help keep me focused on my planning, and then circle back to the content.

Smart links can be added

This one is very interesting to me… we’re no longer limited to using only Confluence or Jira links within a database, we can link anything. And even better, that link can pull back information like a screenshot if it’s supported.  This makes it much easier to build dynamic, and interesting, databases without having to manually copy in that additional content.

Smart links in Content Tree

In addition to smart links appearing in databases, they’ll also now be available in the content tree. Personally I find this to be exciting since many times the teams I work with have resources outside of confluence (e.g. tableau, google docs, whatever), so having the ability to pull them then directly into Confluence and make them a link only further helps reduce friction in using Confluence.

Search / AI

Page Catchup

This feature tracks changes made to a page since you last saw it and summarizes them for you. Essentially an extension of summarizing a page, but something I’ll personally find very helpful since things change a lot!.

Suggested Searches

Suggested searches will now appear (powered by AI) and results should be more accurate. This seems like a small update, but having Confluence suggest searches (similar to how Google autocompletes its search) is a big usability / quality of life feature. It will help folks find content they maybe didn’t know was there and expand their knowledge - the entire point of Confluence.

Search expansion

Search’s scope will expand beyond confluence and cover all atlassian products. This will allow folks to find related information in compass, jira and other places where it otherwise may be hiding.

I think this will make the search feature a lot more interesting / usable as information can easily be in various places. Allowing Search to find it beyond just the scope of the system you happen to be in will make it easier for folks to find what they’re looking for and increase the system’s overall usefulness.

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

The Importance of Tracking Changes

Every project goes through change… but it must be tracked!

Even the best planned project will need to change its plan at some point. Depending on the methodology used these can be easier, or more challenging, to incorporate, but regardless of how your project is run you’ll need some way of accepting, tracking, approving and deploying changes to The Plan.

Accepting change requests

The process begins with accepting requests for change. This can be as simple as someone adding a ticket to a backlog, and as complex as an official form someone has to fill out and submit to a specific person(s). Determining how your project will accept change should be considered during your planning process, and should be clearly documented.

This process should be shared with your project team and senior stakeholders as they’re the most likely groups to need to submit a change, but the process should also be setup to allow change requests from other sources (e.g. customers, suppliers, etc). Not only will they need access to the process itself, but ensure any documentation around how the overall process works is also available.

Tracking Changes

Change requests, regardless of viability or type, need to be tracked. This could be a simple whiteboard accessible to folks, or a complex software system. What you track may depend on your environment and specific needs of your team. At minimum, however, you should track the following information:

  1. Tracking number - This is a unique identifier that allows folks to refer to a specific change request. This makes it easier to discuss and track throughout the system.

  2. Description - A description of the requested change, including why it is being requested.

  3. Requestor - The individual who requested the change. Followup questions, status updates and other things will be sent their way.

  4. Status - Indicates where the request is in the workflow (e.g. “new”, “rejected”, “Accepted” etc).

  5. Impacted area - The area of the project this request impacts. This could be a specific task(s), milestone or part of the project and is intended to help determine the risk this change request represents.

Approving Changes

Historically this is where I find waterfall projects get a bit of a bad rap since each change has to be evaluated by a change control board and approved or declined. This is an extreme version of change control, but it does offer some advantages that help ensure the change is handled as safely as possible:

  1. Every change is evaluated

  2. The appropriate stakeholders sign off on the change

Unfortunately it does have some downsides - mainly it can take a while for anything to get approved. This puts the project at risk of missing out on critical changes or pushing the timeline if something truly needed is delayed.

At the other end of the spectrum are approaches like Scrum, which allow anyone to submit a feature request or a change, which is then evaluated by the product owner. This has the opposite benefits of waterfall:

  1. Much less friction in submitting requests

  2. Changes can be evaluated and approved more quickly

Personally I find this makes it easier for changes to be considered, and adopted. That said, I also find that agile projects end up with a backlog that goes on forever as many groups don’t take time to go through and either reject, or archive, requests they won’t do.

Your specific will help dictate what your approval process is - typically some form of signoff is needed, however, how much evaluation each change goes through and who has to signoff can vary.

Monitor the Change

Approving changes helps avoid potential risk or negative side-effects, however, they still need to be monitored to ensure they place nice with the rest of the project. You can tailor your monitoring efforts to the size of the change - bigger changes = more monitoring - but in general I like to check in on any change a bit more frequently than other items.

Change is good… when controlled

Change isn’t anything to be afraid of - all projects go through it - but it is something to keep an eye on. Having a process, and making sure your team understands how to follow it, is critical to having changes happen in a graceful way.

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

Don't blame the tool

I frequently hear discussions along the lines of 'xuz is a terrible tool'. My knee jerk is to want to ask more - why do you think it's a terrible tool?  What did it do or not do, to cause that reaction.

These are good question - but there are better ones to ask if you want to understand why someone thinks that.  Questions like 'ehen it was setup did your team fully understand how to use XY tool? ', 'did the group who installed it take time to understand your needs?', 'did the folks using it get training on how to use it, and how to use it for your needs?'

Frequently I don't get answers to those questions because folks don't know. They inherited a system or joined the company after it was implemented. This is fine, however, I've noticed it can doom a system, and a team, to repeat mistakes and get stuck in blaming their tools.

Tools can be the source of trouble. They may lack a specific feature, or have bugs, or be hard to use. These are all legitimate complaints and issues that need to be addressed, or, at the very least, understood by the groups using it. After all, if I'm aware my tool has a known deficiency I can at least plan around it. 

Many times, however, I find folks blame their tools without examining other things that contribute to their perception.  Things like training, process mapping and understanding intended use.


The eample I always think of here is an equity team I worked with wanting to stop using Jira and go back to zendesk. I asked them to brainstorm all their issues, and then share them with me. After that we met for half an hour, and I resolved all but one of their complaints, and solved the final one the next day. 

Their complaints ranged from Jira not showing tickets a specific way to it missing features. The root cause wasn't that Jira was deficient, instead it was that the equity team didn't understand how to use the tool. They didnt know they could build a dashboard to show them information, or that they could easily reassing tickets. 

Ensuring users, especially the ones responsible for using the system on a daily basis, know how to use the system is paramount to adoption - after all it's their job you're changing.

Process mapping

I'm frequently telling teams I work with that we shouldn't even consider using a system until we can map our our processes on a whiteboard. Being able to do this means we actually understand what the process is - who is responsible for what, where to go for help, etc. if we don't understand what it should be, there's no way a system can support it. 

Process mapping is simple - just start drawing.  Keep adding steps until either you don't know what's next or everyone agrees it's complete.  Clearly indicate any gaps, and then go find someone to help fill them in (this can be a bit of a journey depending on how big the gap is!).  

Don't start using a new system until you understand the process genetically - if you don't know it the system can't. 

Intended use

Similar to understanding a process, understanding what a tool can, or should, be used for is a common challenge.

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Project Management Robert Hean Project Management Robert Hean

Schedule Crashing

Crashing means putting more resources on a task to finish it… but not all tasks are crashable!

Planning a project is a lot of work.  There's dependencies, resources risks, assumptions, competing stakeholders and more. You've got to juggle all of those thoughts and demands and somehow come up with a project plan that gets you from nothing to something.

And then you realize some task won't get completed on time... There's just too much work. Luckily there's a way to help speed that up - crashing. Crashing a task is basically throwing more people at it to get it done faster.  Only have one person and have ten widgets to build? Get five people and go five times as fast.

It is a great option for o help speed things up, but has several limitations that need to be understood....

You need to right resources

Every task in a project has a specific set of skills needed to complete. For example building a website requires someone who knows HTML and CSS. This need should be accounted for in planning to ensure the task can be accomplished, however, it doesn't mean you'll have others with the skill available to crash a task.

Depending on your team you could get lucky and have multiple individuals who have the necessary skills available to crash something. You might even be able to get by having one resource quickly train others (although this introduces a risk that they'll do something incorrectly...).many times, however you simply may not have the correct resource available. 


Many tasks can benefit from crashing. Data entry is one example I frequently run into... Two people will update a spreadsheet twice as quickly as one. Some physical tasks, like moving materials or preparing a work site are also good examples as multiple people can work together to speed them up.

There are, however, tasks where that isn't true... The standard example is having a baby - there simply isn't a way to speed that process up. Some tasks require waiting - for example proofing bread - that cannot be sped up even with more resources.

The challenge is to understand the difference - which takes can you crash, and which can you not? There are some characteristics I look for when trying to figure out if a task is crashable:

  • Repeatability - Are aspects of the task repetitive? If they are then the task may be a good candidate for crashing. Since the action actions happen multiple times they’re easier to train up others on, and there are more opportunities for others to help. Data entry is a good example of this.

  • Complexity - Simpler tasks tend to be more crashable as the skills needed are more widely available. This makes it more likely that your team has the skills spread across multiple resources.

  • Resource Availability - Getting more resources to work on a single task is more expensive - either in time, money or opportunity. There may be times when you simply cannot afford to crash since your resources are tied up elsewhere.

Crashing can be a great way to get things done in time - but like any tool you need to know how it’s best used, and the tradeoffs!

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

Handling Sensitive Information

Modern knowledge bases like Confluence are great things. They let us store and track information, share it with our teams, and make it incredibly easy to share information. While Confluence makes this process easy, sometimes it can make it TOO easy, allowing someone to accidentally share sensitive information.

We’ll dig into this problem, as well as how tools like SecurEnvoy (learn more here, and get a free trial) can help organizations mitigate the risk of sensitive information getting out.

The Problem

We’re in the information age - and information is everywhere. Fortunately tools like Confluence help us focus that into usable formats.  While this is a great thing, it can end up hurting us if sensitive information gets shared to folks who shouldn’t have it. This information can run the gamut from things like business plans and project documents, to personally-sensitive things like Personally Identifiable Information (PII), health records, immigration information and more.

Tools like Confluence can also surface information to individuals outside your organization in the form of help center articles, product updates and more. This presents the possibility of sensitive information being exposed publicly, which is substantially worse than if it was only exposed to an internal audience.

Many modern systems do not have built-in systems or tools to help either prevent this information from being added to a system, or identify it if it’s in there. This creates a massive headache for groups that use these systems - how do you ensure your system does NOT contain sensitive information?


There are several ways this problem can be addressed

Manual reviews

Get a group of people, teach them what to look for, and let them loose. After a time (typically determined by the size of your database) they’ll come back with their results.

  1. Advantages

    1. Anyone can do this - Just get some folks and train them on what to look for, and what to do when they find it

  2. Disadvantages

    1. Cost - This requires a large amount of person-hours to perform. You’ll either be pulling resources from other, more important, tasks, or hiring outside help to do it.

    2. Risk - Even the best-trained individual can miss things, so you are exposing yourself to the risk they’ll miss something. In the realm of compliance this can be an incredibly costly mistake.

    3. Continual effort - Your knowledge base is constantly changing, and these types of audits are only helpful for a point-in-time. By the time the audit is done, you may have to run another one.


Set clear policies and expectations so your team knows what information can be stored where.

  1. Advantages

    1. Compliance - Typically this type of policy is needed to ensure various compliance requirements (e.g. GDPR, SOX, etc) are met. Since you’ll need to be doing this anyway, make sure folks know about it.

    2. Deflection - Many times people make an honest mistake and include sensitive information somewhere they shouldn’t. Educating them on what is OK to post helps avoid those mistakes.

  2. Disadvantages

    1. It’s passive - A policy can help prevent sensitive information from being posted, but it can’t actively stop it, or find violations.

    2. Ignorance - Individuals may be unaware of the policy and violate it accidentally

Active Scanning

Use a tool, like SecurEnvoy, to actively scan your knowledge base, file servers, etc for potentially sensitive information.

  1. Advantages

    1. 24/7 scanning - SecurEnvoy provides real-time scanning that identifies and helps mitigate sensitive information in a range of places (Confluence knowledge bases, end points, file servers, etc). And it doesn’t sleep….

    2. Active mitigation - SecurEnvoy can take actions to help mitigate the risk, including tagging resources for followup action, emailing individuals and more

    3. Cost savings - Automated tools have a significant cost saving over manual audits (check out this case-study of how a bank reduced scanning costs by over 93% by using SecurEnvoy). 

    4. Accuracy - Scanning software won’t misread numbers or make similar mistakes. Once you’ve setup your rules (e.g. find Credit Card numbers) it will find them. Every time.

    5. Flexibility - SecurEnvoy lets you setup your own rules, for example searching for a project name, or unique character string. This allows you to define what is considered sensitive instead of being stuck with a set list.

  2. Disadvantages

    1. Setup cost - Active scanning tools have some type of setup cost (in time and dollars), however, they pay that back by 

    2. Administration - Someone needs to administer the tool (e.g. set it up, followup on alerts). Some, like SecurEnvoy, however, are mainly “set-and-forget” - once you’ve setup the scanning jobs just sit back and wait for alerts.

Path Forward

Focusing on a combination of Policies and Active Scanning is the best way to help ensure your systems don’t accidentally let sensitive information get exposed. Policies help reduce the chance sensitive information gets introduced to your systems, while tools like SecurEnvoy help catch it if some sensitive info gets out.

Curious to learn more? Check out SecurEnvoy here (and get a free trial)

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

Templates Are Your Friend

Templates help speed up your process, and make content more user friendly

I’ve created a lot of Confluence content. Sometimes the content I’m creating is unique, or at least uncommon. More often than not, though, the content I’m creating is similar to something else I”ve already done. How-to pages. Policies. Meeting notes. The list goes on.

Earlier in my career I found myself creating all that content from a blank page - it is, after all, the first thing you see when you click create. While this gave me a blank canvas to work on, I quickly found it to be time consuming to add the same formatting options, or macros, or headers time after after. It can also be a bit daunting to stare at that relatively blank space and get started.

A fix

So, I stole a trick I used in other systems - copy and paste! Just open up another page that looked like the one I wanted to build, copy everything and paste it on my new, blank page.  This worked… However, it required that I go over the copy and remove anything that related to the page I was copying from. At best this resulted in me taking more time than I would prefer, at worst I’d miss something and leave incorrect information on a page (not the end of the world, but annoying and embarrassing!).

This process of copy, paste, edit, write continued for a while, until someone pointed out Templates existed. I’m honestly not sure how or why I didn’t use them before, but once I did I got a lot faster at creating solid content.

Managing Templates

The sheer number of available templates is a bit staggering, so I quickly found it worth my time to manage them a bit:

  1. Use the search bar and filter options - You can certainly scroll through the 100+ templates in confluence… but that takes time. Instead, just use the search bar at the top (or the filter options) to quickly pare down the list.

  2. Star favorites - Starring favorites makes it much easier to locate and it only takes a few seconds to do. Typically I find myself only using a handful of templates (even including new ones I’ve made), so doing this is more than worthwhile.

  3. Remove them - If you’re really feeling up for it, go into space settings and remove unnecessary templates. Personally I find I don’t do this since it takes a bit of time, but many of the templates displayed never get used, so just rip them out.

  4. Edit existing ones - Sometimes you’ll find a template that doesn’t QUITE meet your needs… don’t suffer through editing it every time you want to use it - instead go edit the template in space settings. This ensures every time you use it, it will be exactly what you need.

  5. Make new ones - While the 100+ stock templates can be useful, you will likely find you have a specific need they don’t meet. Take some time to make your own template the fits your exact use case. This does take a bit of time, but it will both save you time constantly editing new pages, and also remove the mental burden or worrying about that time spent.

Other benefits

I’ve found that taking time to manage templates in a space doesn’t just help me, it helps everyone else creating content. Many folks I talk to mention formatting and not knowing how to setup a page as being a hurdle to making content, so by cleaning up templates and making them more useful to your team you’ll be helping knock down barriers to entry.

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

Driving Adoption

Getting your team to adopt a new system or process is challenging - but not impossible…

Getting a new system or process setup is a challenging process. You need to build buy-in for the idea, convince folks to spend money and time acquiring it, and then actually go and get it. Getting to this stage is a big accomplishment… but the work is only just beginning.

Once you’ve got a new system or process, you need to convince the broader audience of your organization to adopt and use it. Many teams will spend a lot of time and resources on implementing the system, on to run into challenges with adoption as they don’t give it the same focus.

The acquisition phase of a project typically involves a smaller, more focused group, the adoption phase expands the focus to a much broader audience (sometimes the entire org!). This means that while the general form of securing adoption is similar, you’ll have to use different tactics and strategies to communicate with them.

Identifying Users

Adoption begins with identifying who should be using the platform. For example a new legal system might impact all of Legal, but also other users who would submit requests. A new ticketing system would impact support, but may also need to include folks from IT to help administer it. A new knowledge base may impact the entire company, but have a deeper impact on some specific individuals as well.

Many times these folks may seem self-evident, but making time to dig in and understand who will be expected to use the platform is still important. Not only will it validate your assumptions (something that in itself should be done more) it will also help uncover other groups who may not be as obvious. Identifying who will be impacted is also critical to the next step - understanding what they’ll be doing with it.

Understanding Needs

Once you’ve identified who will be expected to adopt the new platform, you’ll need to determine what they’ll be doing with it. For example knowing that HR will be expected to use a knowledge base is one thing, understanding how they’ll be using it to craft and share their policies is something else entirely.

Depending on what resources you have available this may also be done in conjunction with outside help (e.g. whomever helped implement your system). That said, this step should always include some representation from the impacted teams - after all, they know their processes and needs the best! Work with those groups to identify champions - individuals who are engaged and motivated to help out. Champions will help you not only uncover use cases and processes, but also help in future steps - building documentation, evangelizing and more.

Training Development

Once you understand what the target groups will be using the tool for, you’ll need to get detailed training and enablement information together. This could take the form of vendor-provided recordings or other off-the-shelf information, but it should be supplemented with tailored training for your team. (I find that off-the-shelf information is great for more generic processes, e.g. “how to enter XYZ record”, but specifics vary wildly between groups, so having details unique to your org is critical).

This is also a great place to involve your champions, or other individuals from the impacted group, as they can help build, or at least review, the training material. This will both help catch weak-spots, but also make buy-in a bit easier as you can have those individuals help train others.

Your training should also consider different methods - written, recorded and live - to help capture the broadest possible audience. This does take some more effort, however, having different mediums available helps ensure more folks actually take the training.


Communicating typically happens at all stages of this process, however, now it is beginning in earnest. Not only will you be communicating status updates to stakeholders, here you’ll be sending targeted information to groups that will be expected to use the platform. These could take the form of detailed schedules explaining when things change, index of training, invites to live training and more.

The goal is to ensure no one is surprised by the change, as well as that everyone understands the impact of changing to a new system…. After all, it will require everyone to change their habits and how they work, so they should clearly understand what is happening.

Communication shouldn’t only come from you, however… work with executives and leaderships to help spread the message (one trick I like is to get a short video of execs endorsing the platform.. It’s a very low lift that can have a huge impact). Working with individuals who are well-known in the target group and having them send comms is also a great way to help increase the impact of your communication.


Once the system is live your job isn’t over - it just changes shape a bit. You’ll still need to focus on communicating updates, expectations, stats and more to help support the team. Follow-on training is also always a good idea, as are showcases drawing attention to ways the tool is being used (e.g. “look at the amazing work HR is doing - you can do it too!).

Many teams find it helpful to schedule regular reviews of their adoption - quartlerly or twice yearly. This gives them a set time to sit down and review how things have been going, determine next steps and improve offerings. This step is commonly missed, however, regular reviews give you a great opportunity to improve adoption over time.


Adoption is one area that many groups struggle with - but it doesn’t have to be a challenge! Taking time to pull together a team and supporting the impacted groups is always worth the time spent.

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Jira, confluence, Ticketing Robert Hean Jira, confluence, Ticketing Robert Hean

The Importance of Ticket Deflection

Answering tickets is great - but preventing the need for them is even better.

Any given support team will collect a large amount of tickets. These can range in complexity from simple to complex, and require a wide range of skill sets to manage, track and resolve.

The first step in handling those tickets is to gather them all in one spot with a tool like Zendesk, Jira, Asana or something else. This allows groups to track their status, report on them and manage the workload. Generally a small group (sometimes just one person!) handles all the tickets.

Eventually, however, the number of tickets and the types of tickets that come  in begins to grow. That small team will find itself buried under a landslide of requests, and will be rapidly shifting from one type of ticket to another. This constant pressure, and need to context switch takes its toll.

Tiered Approach

To help address the wide range of tickets that come in, companies tend to evolve a multi-tiered approach for their support teams to handle the influx:

  • Tier 1 - This is the front line and is equipped with stock responses to as many tickets as possible. They’re typically trained how to triage any given ticket, and if they have a response to provide it. Examples of tickets this group can handle are things like password resets, simple Q&A and general feedback.

  • Tier 2 - This is a more specialized group that takes over any ticket that Tier 1 isn’t equipped to handle. They may have some stock responses, but generally this tier has either access or training that the Tier 1 group lacks. There are, however, some things Tier 2 can’t handle.

  • Tier 3 - These are your super-experts and they handle the most complex or challenging topics. Ideally only a small percentage of tickets end up in this group as there tend to not be many of them, and the requests can take a while to respond.

This structure allows the team to specialize. Some agents tackle the large numbers of “simple” tickets, while a smaller number focus on the “complex” ones. This increases response times, as well as satisfaction, as the simple ones are knocked out more quickly, while a more knowledgeable agent handles the harder ones.

This approach, however, requires humans - someone who is trained in how to respond to, and resolve, issues. In many cases a human is required to help out, however, employing someone to answer tickets can be expensive, and it can result in it taking longer to get an answer.

The 0-eth Tier

This is where ticket deflection, or Tier 0, comes in. This tier is everything the customer can do BEFORE asking for help. It could involve reading a wiki page, asking a chatbot something, or trying it themselves. There’s a wide range of things this COULD be, but they all result in the customer getting an answer/help without having to interact with someone on a support team. 

Examples include:

  1. A knowledge base - Having robust, customer-facing documentation is a great way to empower customers to answer their own questions. These do take time to setup and maintain, however, directing customers to them is significantly cheaper than having a human answer at ticket. Many customers also want the ability to lookup information on their own, so having a knowledge base available also helps fill that need.

    1. In addition to questions and answers, knowledge bases can also contain step-by-step guides customers can try on their own to resolve their issues. This subset of information gives customers one more thing they can do before having to interact with your support team. This allows customers to get help 24/7, and further reduces the demands on your support desk.

  2. Chat bots - Chat bots are getting a LOT smarter and a lot more helpful. While there are certainly some gaps and features that aren’t quite there yet, these interactive tools make accessing information and guiding customers to responses a bit quicker than search. Some of the newer tools are even able to take action on behalf of a customer - for example resetting their password. This reduces the number of things your TIer 1 team is responsible for, both simplifying their workload but also reducing it.

  3. Automated Tools - This one can be a bit trickier to setup, but having a tool the customer can use, without having to access a support team, is another way to deflect tickets. Resetting a password is a common example - customers click a button and go to their email to get back in. This shortens the distance between the customer having an issue and getting it solved.

Typically Tier 0 starts out as a small help-center, however, it should be constantly evaluated, expanded and updated as time goes on. Not only will older content need to be refreshed, but new pages, tools and guides can be added. 

Tier 0 Improvements

Agents should be constantly on the lookout for opportunities to improve Tier 0. Not only do they see all the incoming requests, but they have solutions for them. There’s several ways this can be done:

  1. Writing (or rewriting) articles - Agents are typically closest to the problems, and solutions, so they should either have the ability to directly edit or update articles, or have a process to suggest changes. 

  2. Product improvements - Agents should have a pathway to suggest product changes to avoid the need for a ticket. These suggestions should be reviewed by product, marketing, or other teams, to see what can be incorporated to help alleviate the need for a ticket.

  3. Training materials - Agents should suggest ways to train customers or users on how to use systems. This can directly reduce the number of “how do I do X” tickets.

Deflection can be a bit tricky to quantify, after all you’re stopping them from having to do something (put in a ticket), so you may never know how much it’s REALLY impacting. There are a few ways to keep an eye on it.

  1. Knowledge base utilization - Tracking which pages are used can give you insight into how much pressure it’s taking off your ticketing system. For example if you add a new article on password resets and that ticket type drops, you can infer the article had some impact.

  2. Automated actions - The number of times your chatbot (or other tool) takes actions is another way to see how effective it is. Each password reset done automatically is essentially a ticket that wasn’t submitted.

Ticket deflection is incredibly important to a successful ticketing system. Not only does it reduce pressure on your support teams by both reducing volume and the number of things they have to handle, it empowers customers to take action… and is faster than putting in a ticket. There is a bit of legwork needed to determine what can be done, but it’s more than worth it.

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Project Management, Systems Robert Hean Project Management, Systems Robert Hean

Are system evaluations important? (Yes, definitely!)

I learned a valuable lesson early on - never, ever, pick a system randomly.

I worked at a company once where we used a particular software tool to manage our projects. It wasn’t a bad tool….  But it didn’t quite fit our needs. My team spent a LOT of time figuring out how to make it work, which not only distracted us from work it made us more than a bit frustrated. We didn’t have a choice though, so we suffered through using it, and finally, after about a year of pounding a square peg into a round hole we asked why we used that particular piece of software.

The answer… was a bit shocking.

Basically an executive was asked what we should use, and they pointed at the one we had and said “that one”. That was it. No further discussion. No questions asked. No requirements gathered. Nothing.

I had a feeling back then, and have since learned, that that is NOT a good way to pick a system!

Positives and Negatives

The positive aspects of randomly picking an option is it’s quick. You’ll get to the end of your “selection” process faster than you could otherwise. This can be an attractive prospect as system evaluations can take a lengthy amount of time and resources to complete.

In some extreme situations there can be an argument for speed, but I have never encountered one where every other aspect of the evaluation was thrown out the window. Needing to move quickly isn’t an excuse to not conduct due-diligence.

That positive aside, there’s a TON of negatives… things like:

  1. Price - other options may do the same things (or do them “well enough”) more cheaply, or can be implemented more quickly. If you don’t evaluate those systems you won’t even realize you’re paying more for something.

  2. Features - The one you pick may not do what you need, or may do it in a way that makes it challenging or onerous for your teams to adopt. Critical features can fall into this bucket, making a quick selection incredibly painful for teams when they realize their new system doesn’t do something they need to be successful.

  3. Compatibility - The one you pick may not integrate or be compatible with other systems or processes you have. This can result in your teams having to do additional manual work to transfer information or get what they need. At best you may need to build custom integrations between systems, which introduces greater cost and risk, and in some cases may not even be possible if you don’t have the resources to integrate (either money or people).

  4. Duplicative systems - You may already have a system that meets your team’s needs. Failing to recognize this could result in you ending up with two, VERY similar systems. This increases the administrative and budget overhead and adds unnecessary complexity to your tech stack.

Any one of these on its own should be enough to not randomly pick an option… all of them together make it a painful, and costly experience.

Doing it right

Instead of pointing randomly, groups should go through a more formal evaluation of their requirements and their options. This doesn’t have to be a months long, in depth endeavor, but it should at least involve some thought about what is needed, and how the options meet those needs.

Typically this process includes things like:

  1. Identifying stakeholders - who will be using the system, or be impacted by it? Depending on their level of involvement stakeholders should be involved in the selection process to help ensure their needs are met. This list should include direct users, but also teams who would have to support or build the system (e.g. IT, engineering, etc).

  2. Determine requirements - what challenge or issue needs to be solved and how should the system do that?  The stakeholders identified in #1 can help pull this list together, but this is a critical step (one that the company I worked at definitely skipped!). By the end you’ll have a list of things you need to be successful, and while you may not get all of them, understanding what is needed will help you make a better choice.

  3. Get options - After you know what’s needed, go and find potential options. This could be as simple as some quick googling, or an in-depth examination of what’s out there. Personally I find this to be an interesting step as I get to learn about what’s available.

  4. Eliminate some - Compare your options against the requirements. Do any clearly NOT meet your needs? Sometimes you can figure this out just by looking at their website, other times you may need to send an email and ask for more info. Doing this helps weed out options that are clearly not a good fit, and saves time later.

  5. Get more information - Once you’ve got a shorter list, dig in and really compare the rest to your requirements. Get a formal demo. Talk to other customers. Figure out how it really works. While it’s uncommon to find a system that really does everything you need, this will help you find the best possible fit. Have a core group of your stakeholders (especially from the group who will use the platform) get involved in this step as they’re the ones who will be stuck with the final outcome!

  6. User Acceptance - If you decide to go forward with a new system make sure your stakeholders have a formal acceptance. Let them use the system and determine if it meets your needs… if not, work with the vendor to update or change things, but don’t just blindly accept that it works as expected!

All of this does take time and effort… however, it’s always cheaper to go through this process than to end up with a system that doesn’t meet your needs. Not only will you have to replace it, you’ll have to retrain everyone, find a new system, and rebuild credibility.

A great side effect of this process is it also gives you a great opportunity to build buy-in for the new system, to update processes and policies, and further enhance how your team operates.

Does it take time and effort? Yes.

Is it worth it? Definitely.

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Robert Hean Robert Hean

Learn by Teaching

It seems odd but teaching is a great way to learn a skill.. and help someone else!

I read somewhere that one of the best ways to learn and remember a skill is to teach it. On the surface this doesn’t make much sense… if you’re teaching something, you should already know it, right?

Dig a bit deeper though, and you’ll realize that teaching something not only requires you to understand the skill or concept - it requires you to rethink how you understand it in a way that helps someone else understand it. That sounds a bit odd, but hear me out. 

When I teach someone something, it doesn’t help them if I explain it in a way that makes sense to me (ok, well maybe it helps them a little).  This is due to a few reasons, but mainly - they don’t think the same way I do, and they have a different background and set of experiences. These differences blunt the impact of any explanation I provide that is entirely tuned to my background and my thinking. It also forces them to spend time and energy trying to relate to my explanation - time and energy better spent learning.

The challenge in teaching, then, is reshaping how something is explained to best match the learners background and understanding. This requires a great amount of mental gymnastics on the part of the instructor, as not only do they have to hold the idea or concept, they have to understand their student pretty well too.

This is what makes teaching a great way to improve your own skills. It essentially forces you to relearn something from a different perspective, which helps solidify concepts, challenge assumptions and bring up new ideas.

Working with one student, or a group, over time makes this easy.  The longer an instructor and student have together, the better in tune they’ll become. This is what makes long-term relationships with a teacher so powerful - they get to know you, but more importantly they know how you think and learn.

I find it odd that more people don’t teach skills - it’s an amazing way to solidify a skillset.  I definitely understand that some folks don’t want to, and that’s totally OK… but for the rest of us teaching a skill is an incredible way to get better.

How to start

Teaching something doesn’t require us to be college professors in a classroom with dozens of students. You can teach something to an individual on a coffee break. It doesn’t even have to be a complex skills - a simple introduction to a concept or idea helps both the student and the instructor get better. 

The size of the group does change how someone should approach teaching, as does the medium…. Teaching one person over Zoom is a LOT different than teaching 20 people in person, which is different from teaching 1000 over a recording, which is different then a 1 on 1. And while the instructor will learn different things from different groups and sizes, teaching someone you’re comfortable with, in a setting that works for you is still really beneficial.

Go teach!

So, my challenge to everyone is to teach someone… something. Pick a thing you understand well and find someone who wants to learn it. Take some time to get to know them and what they want to learn, and then expand your own thinking and teach them that thing. Pay attention to how you have to challenge your own ideas about the topic. What do you have to rephrase? What new analogies did you come up with?  How did YOU grow and learn from teaching that person?

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Project Management Robert Hean Project Management Robert Hean

How to get into Project Management

Project management is a great field - but taking time to understand why you want to get into it, and understanding your skills, is really important.

A common question I hear frequently is “How do I get into project management?”.  Typically it comes from individuals who are new to their career and are interested in becoming a project manager (PM), but folks looking to make a career change also consider it.  After answering this question several times I figured I’d collect my thoughts on the answer and share them below.  Hopefully they’re helpful!

Why are you interested?

The first thing I ask someone who expresses interest in becoming a PM (or anything else really) is why are you interested? There isn’t really a wrong answer to this, but understanding why someone wants to become a PM helps them figure out how to get there, or maybe helps them figure out it’s not for them. For example, wanting to become a PM to help improve the lives of under-priviledged people is different from wanting to be part of building something big.

Understanding their “Why” not only helps guide them in terms of where to apply their time and energy, but may also help determine which type of project management they should look into. For example if they want to be part of construction projects then Waterfall projects are likely a better fit.  If they want to build the next Big App, Agile is likely a better fit.

One important thing to note is that while you contemplate your Why, you may determine Project Management isn’t for you - and that is OK! Discovering that about yourself is a very important thing, as it will let you focus on something else that you’ll get more excited about.

What project experience do you have already?

This question is a good way to baseline where someone is, and also helps figure out next steps. It’s also a bit misleading, as almost everyone has SOME kind of project experience.

  • Just out of university? I’m betting you’ve been part of a class or group project and had to navigate stakeholder management (e.g. your project team).

  • Ever done a home project? Many things we do at home are projects.  Do you have a garden? Build Lego? Install your own gutters? All projects. 

  • Never been part of an official project? I’d bet the team you were on had some projects going that you were aware of.

  • Been part of a project team, but not the PM? You’ve definitely picked up some bits and pieces of how projects work.

Knowing what experience you have is important as it helps you figure out where your knowledge gaps are. Personally I learned many of my PM skills by doing… which isn’t necessarily the best way. This gave me a deeper understanding of some of them (e.g. communication), but I was totally lacking in others (resource management). This required me to improve my general knowledge to first understand what I was missing, then targeted learning in those areas.

What options are available to you?

I’m still working on a way to instantly become a PM, so the next question I ask is what options are there? Some individuals are in a position where they can take extensive training courses at work to learn the skills, others have an intense job that limits their time, and others are between jobs for various reasons and have other restrictions.

There are certainly a LOT of different ways to learn PM skills, including, but not limited to:

  1. School - Many universities / colleges offer certificates, or even degrees, in PM. I took a great community college course on PM, and it was also part of the masters program I was part of.

  2. Paid online learning - There are a ton of online learning options for PM ( is a great one, and I have several Udemy courses on the topic). These can offer intensive courses, or packages to help improve skills. Some will also prepare you for certifications (more on those below).

  3. Free online learning - There’s also a ton of free online learning (check out my youtube channel).

  4. Books - Personally I learned a ton from various PM books (like this oneLINK NEEDED).  For a relatively small investment (in dollars) and larger investment (in time) I picked up a lot of the basics.

  5. Mentorship - Some company’s offer formal mentorship programs, and informal mentors are almost always available if you look around. I find these tend to be better if you’ve got a starting point, but can also help someone get into being a PM.

There may be more options out there, but taking time to understand what is available is crucial as it helps guide learning.

Entry level roles

Finding an entry-level job in Project management can be challenging, but there are a few titles or roles to look out for:

  1. Project Coordinator - Coordinators tend to assist project managers by helping manage things like scheduling, documentation and more. This is a great way to get exposure to project management without being responsible for running the project.

  2. Project Analyst- Analysts typically focus on specific areas, e.g. risk management, contracts, etc. This type of role may be easier to get into if you already have experience in that area, but it will expose you to project management in general.

One thing to keep in mind is that every company may call the job something different, so it’s important to read the job description.

Closing Thoughts

I thoroughly enjoy my time in project management. It’s helped me learn a ton of great skills, exposed me to some really interesting people and helped me grow as a person. It does, however, take some internal work to get into and to thrive in. That said, the time you spend considering this is more than worth it.

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