All tagged career development

On Proactivity

When we discover a problem or error the first thing we should do is let others know. This not only gets more eyes on the problem, but helps avoid others being surprised and escalating the problem.

Domain Expertise

Knowing the system is absolutely necessary to supporting it. Know the domain it exists in, however, vastly improves our ability to manipulate and design the best way to use that system. Take time to learn that domain, meet the experts in it and if you can, become one.

Bring Solutions

Bringing solutions is always better than just bringing problems. It’s great to find things that need fixing. Do yourself a favor though… before letting your manager/etc. know about it, first think through how you’d fix it.

No Extra

Not doing extra on a task is hard… we always find something we can add, or something that was “missed”. Doing this, howe ver, distracts us from the actual task. At best it results in a weaker final product… at worst, complete failure.


Standards allow different groups to share a common background. The USB standard, for example, allows anyone to make a device that can use it… but sometime standards… aren’t, and that’s where we run into trouble

Data needs tending. This is becoming more true as the amount of data we have only increases. Given its importance, it’s critical that partner teams trust their tech teams to manage and use that underlying data correctly.