All in People

Onboarding New Team Members

Many times I get to work with existing teams. This generally means they have a shared relationship and know how to operate effectively. Many other times, however, I have to integrate someone new into the team. This is a great opportunity to add to the team’s culture and bring in some new ideas. The time spent onboarding is never wasted and helps the team as a whole improve.

We’re human first

It’s very easy to forget that our coworkers are people too. Odd as it sounds, keeping in mind everyone is human first is incredibly important to building strong relationships.

Speaking up when you find something

From time to time we’ll find something wrong in the systems we support. While dealing with it is important, spreading the word is also critical to success. Sure, it might be nothing, but it could also be a lot worse, and you’ll want folks ready to help.

On Proactivity

When we discover a problem or error the first thing we should do is let others know. This not only gets more eyes on the problem, but helps avoid others being surprised and escalating the problem.

Owning Mistakes

Mistakes… we’ve all got them, but not many of us own up to them. Calling ourselves out is scary, but helps us grow in many ways… it also helps us build stronger relationships and trust.

On Perseverance

Perseverance, or the ability to keep going, despite hitting brick walls repeatedly is a great skill to have. Having it means we can weather unexpected challenges more easily, and makes it easier to reach if they crop up.

You Gotta Ask

Everyone’s got questions they need answers to… but not everyone asks them. Speak up. Even if someone thinks you’re a fool for a few moments, you've given yourself a chance to improve.

No Extra

Not doing extra on a task is hard… we always find something we can add, or something that was “missed”. Doing this, howe ver, distracts us from the actual task. At best it results in a weaker final product… at worst, complete failure.