All in People

Three Doctors

Frequently the folks who get the most praise are the ones who solve problems after they happen. It is, after all, quite easy to see their impact. To me, what’s more impressive are the folks who prevent problems before they even occur… the challenge here, is how do we recognize and encourage that?

Forward Movement

Moving forward towards a threat is counterintuitive, but offers a number of advantages over other options. Being closer lets you see what’s really happening, makes response easier, and reduces long-term risk. Uncomfortable? Yes. Something we all need to practice? Definitely.

The importance of having a good stance

Martial arts training is all about building strong foundations. These can take the form of strong basic concepts, like focus, or physical alignment. Regardless of which application, a strong foundation, or stance, is absolutely necessary for success both in the martial arts and in the rest of life. Not having a strong stance means falling over, weaker strikes, and more.

Data needs tending. This is becoming more true as the amount of data we have only increases. Given its importance, it’s critical that partner teams trust their tech teams to manage and use that underlying data correctly.