All tagged personal development

Owning Mistakes

Mistakes… we’ve all got them, but not many of us own up to them. Calling ourselves out is scary, but helps us grow in many ways… it also helps us build stronger relationships and trust.

On Perseverance

Perseverance, or the ability to keep going, despite hitting brick walls repeatedly is a great skill to have. Having it means we can weather unexpected challenges more easily, and makes it easier to reach if they crop up.

Forward Movement

Moving forward towards a threat is counterintuitive, but offers a number of advantages over other options. Being closer lets you see what’s really happening, makes response easier, and reduces long-term risk. Uncomfortable? Yes. Something we all need to practice? Definitely.

The importance of having a good stance

Martial arts training is all about building strong foundations. These can take the form of strong basic concepts, like focus, or physical alignment. Regardless of which application, a strong foundation, or stance, is absolutely necessary for success both in the martial arts and in the rest of life. Not having a strong stance means falling over, weaker strikes, and more.

Frequently in tech we get pulled into high-criticality situations. Despite the pressure of these it’s incredibly important to remember to breath, look around, examine options and then execute your plan. These steps can help stop a situation from snowballing out of control, and also help your partner teams through tough situations.